Sunday, August 23, 2015

St Philip's Anglican Church

This lovely church is located in the Weston neighbourhood of the city and was built in 1894 when Weston was a small farming village outside of the city but it is now right in the city. The parish was established in 1828 and a wooden church was built which burned in 1888 and resulted in the new brick church being constructed. That building originally consisted of the left half in this pic, basically from the front of the bell tower back to the left. the front half on the right was added in 1955. You can see the difference in the style of windows and a slight change in the roof. The cemetery has some very old graves - a few I saw were from the 1840s. Once more the doors were locked! 
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. Good morning, RedPat. Your mission should you accept involves locating a church with the doors unlocked. You must enter and take a picture of the inside of the church. This comment will self destruct in five seconds. :)

  2. I love churches with graveyard ..

  3. looks like a lovely day. gorgeous blue skies. love the arches. such s fancy church, ( ;

  4. A lovely church against a beautiful sky. I second Andy's challenge. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Oh this is indeed very pretty, with the graves around it like that!

  6. A seamless addition for a really beautiful building...

  7. Pretty as a picture!

  8. Nice looking bell tower on this church.

  9. This is a particularly appealing little church. Isn't it maddening how churches always seem to be locked when we visit.

  10. This really is a beauty!

  11. Seeing churches that were once villages and now part of the city reminds me of how fast Toronto has grown! This church is charming!

  12. What a lovely find Pat, I agree with VP, beautiful addition. Such a shame these days that churches have to keep doors locked between services.

  13. So very lovely, and it's always enchanting to me to see old tombstones, especially around a church. 1840's that is old! I bet they were most interesting to see.
