Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Main Stage

During the Salsa On St Clair festival there were small dance and performance areas all along the street but there was also this main stage which even had an upstairs area with umbrellas. This is where the larger bands and performers were  found and I was lucky enough to catch this band, the "Mexico Amigo Mariachi", playing their set. They were really good particularly the woman singer. So many people around me seemed to know all the words in the songs and were singing along with her. The stage was set up in front of a mural I have shown you before (HERE).


  1. I bet that was some very lively music.

  2. I like these sing-along stages! Very fun.

  3. I would love this! What great fun. Many years ago, I went on a fishing trip with some friends to Guaymas, Mexico...lived in Phoenix at the time. When we ate out in the restaurants, we often had musicians serenade us as they moved around the space.

  4. One doesn't usually see people on top of these things!

  5. I remember quite well that mural!

  6. oooo I like the backdrop of the colorful buildings. You GO Toronto!


  7. The colourful mural is perfect for salsa!

  8. Yeah, I think that even if I wrote the lyrics to a song I would soon forget them myself. :-)

  9. Toronto is a long way from Mexico. Glad you had a chance to enjoy some of that wonderful music and food. You realize that North America now consumes way more salsa than ketchup, and that's great.

  10. Love the colors on the side of that building.

  11. They are obviously very popular!

  12. Perfect backdrop for this lively event Pat, the rhythmic beat is playing in my head as I type :)

  13. Love the colourful mural behind the band. Oh how I love the sound of Mariachi music! My foot is tapping to an imaginary band. :)
