Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Theme Day - "Curiosities"

The theme for September 1 for the City Daily Photo Blog community is 'Curiosities' and I chose this rather odd truck which I have spotted many times over the summer. I have never seen anything like it and after some google research the best I can do is that it is a VW Vanagon also known as a Doka which refers to it being a double cab. It is probably from the late 80s or early 90s.
Taking part in the theme Curiosities. Click HERE to see more curiosities from around the world.


  1. Very strange, never seen one like this!

  2. Vanagon! A hybrid.. wonder what it's used for Pat, tres curious :)

  3. I've never seen one before either, but it makes a lot of sense

  4. I've never seen one before either, but it makes a lot of sense

  5. I'm curious as to what's in the back and behind the red window covering! Funny, we both posted curious trucks today...great minds, ya know...

  6. I would have guessed the 1970s, but what do I know about cars? This is a curious combo indeed. Hopefully someone here will know more about it.

  7. We don't see a lot of those around anymore!

  8. It almost looks as if it's going in the wrong direction.

  9. I've never heard of this model before.

  10. We have some smaller versions of this that people use for farm work.

  11. What a great choice for the theme! I wonder what they keep in the back of that thing.

  12. I've always liked VW vans and buses.

  13. The front part looks vaguely familiar, but the rest of it looks like a hybrid. And that red window really pops.

  14. Old truck used to carry loads in it...

  15. Looks like it has a few miles on the clock!

  16. It sure looks like a hybrid, My son drives a dual cab ute which sounds like a massive truck. But it, at least, is prettier than this one. Sure is curious.

  17. I really like this, and I bet it's a one of kind made by the owner!

  18. Curious, indeed. Nice photo of it. No doubt you will see it again and again.

  19. Have a friend who would love having a VW pickup like this one. He has two vans, one a people mover and the other a camper. Don't think VW made many of these and exported even fewer to North America.

  20. Taken for Granted knows everything there is to know about machines and vehicles. I defer to his superior knowledge.
