Saturday, October 31, 2015


There are three layers to this pic I took in the Yorkville neighbourhood a few weeks ago. The front building is a heritage designated structure built in 1884 as a home but it is now offices. The glass structure behind it is an addition to the front house, built in the last couple of years. And finally in the background you can see yet another condo building going up on Bloor St. I think the glass addition provides an nice backdrop to the original house which has been beautifully restored.


  1. Sometimes that tiered look works well Pat, like here.. which is just as well because it seems necessary these days, it happens a lot here too. The older building still gets my vote also :)

  2. Glass usually complements older buildings well, as is the case here!

  3. I like the way they added on the addition and preserved the original home. It was nicely done. Another condo building?? The growth in your city is amazing.

  4. Not sure I like the additions

  5. Oh noooooooo! That fabulous house belongs on a 5-acre estate surrounded by beautiful steel fences and brick pillars and gates. :)

  6. We have a lot of that around here. ;)

  7. It's a beautiful building. The style reminds me of some up here.

  8. I admire these classic old buildings. It's a good thing they are being preserved.

  9. Getting a tad crowded there, I'd say.

  10. I think I will take the older house. Of course, it is my favorite of the trio. The addition is OK but the condo behind is depressing to me.

  11. Looks interesting! Though I would have rather the old house on its own.

  12. I think the modern glass building behind the older one works well. If you can't match the older style, make the addition as simple and invisible as you can.

  13. Nicely 'built' up!

  14. Well, my favourite is the older building but I do get it that we need places for peple to live and worl, hence the rest of the construction.

  15. What a great perspective.

  16. Wow, I'm still a fan of the old rather than the new! Great capture.

  17. Funny how one picture can tell the entire story! Modern day blending in with yesterday.
