Sunday, December 6, 2015


This very old coach house is located behind the library at St Michael's College at U of Toronto but from this direction it looks to be surrounded by condo towers which are going up all over the downtown area of the city. It is being used for something but I couldn't tell what and most of the windows have been closed in.


  1. hope it is saved and dressed up again.

  2. Or whoever owns the property have not put it up for sale yet. I Wonder if it can be saved.

  3. It looks a bit out of place surrounded by all those modern buildings.

  4. Wow it certainly looks overwhelmed, I am so pleased you photographed it the building have a habit of being swept away in the name of development...

  5. A great contrast of old and new. I do hope this small building is repurposed.

  6. To me it's piece of beauty surrounded by a bunch of giant bullies closing in on a damsel in distress. I am surprised that some condo developer hasn't gobbled her up.

  7. When my kids were little, I used to read a book about a little house that had a city grow up around it before it got moved out to the country. This is how I imagined it looked.

  8. It is so nice that your city saves these old places. Around here the powers that be just tear them down. So sad.

  9. That used to be the McLuhan Centre back in the mid 1970's I believe.
    That's H.M. (Marshall) McLuhan, author of "Understanding Media" and "the Gutenberg Galaxy".
