Sunday, February 28, 2016

What A Steeple

I took this shot on one of our rare days with snow on the ground this winter. It was all gone the next day but it certainly made a nice surrounding for the Blythwood Road Baptist Church. It was built in 1956 and is a heritage property since its whole neighborhood has been deemed a heritage area.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. A beautiful church, even better with the snow!

  2. That is quite a steeple! I'm so glad these lovely old buildings are protected Pat, I haven't heard of a whole neighbourhood being protected here, must check that out!

  3. It is certainly "Baptist," although not all Baptist churches have such impressive steeples. Strange you've had so little snow. Other areas have gotten more than there share. I'm still waiting here, though. Have a great week, Pat!

  4. not sure what style you would call them, RedPat?, but i love the wheel like windows, so fancy. ( ;

  5. A very classic looking church and you are so right, the snow does make a great backdrop for it.

  6. the snow adds to the picture of this lovely church

  7. I like the style, and it fits the period- the church I attended growing up was built in the same period.

  8. Who ever designed this church was thinking rectangles. The building has lots of them.

  9. Snow always makes the perfect touch in photographs. Lovely church.

  10. Gosh! The designation as a "historic" building around here means absolutely nothing can change. Everything has to be maintained as was.

  11. Canada is just not Canada without snow! ;-)

  12. That is quite a steeple, and the snow adds a fresh touch !

  13. I like the crisp, clearness of this photo, it's a lovely design!

  14. Tarde, pero también llegó la nieve a Béjar ;)
