Thursday, March 3, 2016

"It's So Cold Out Here"

This is another pic from a garden at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre which I'm sure looks much friendlier in the summer. In the meantime this woman doesn't seem to be handling the cold very well!
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. I like this sculpture, and I believe I hear her say, It's so cold out here I've lost my head!

  2. Oh, and what a stately and sturdy wall (brick fencing) to protect her with!

  3. Hello, lovely statue. It does look cold there! Have a happy day!

  4. i'd say so, considering the poor thing is "headless". my Dad always said the statement "Cold enough to freeze a brass monkey", look it up if you don't know the statement". i think it is really suppose to be a crasser saying, but you get the drift. stay warm. love a beautiful statue. ( ;

  5. Poor woman, I think the cold is the least of her problems.

  6. I agree, she seems to have lost her head and her hand. I can relate to the hand situation. When I get really cold, my hands go numb and I can't feel them any longer.

  7. Creative wintry shot of the sculpture ~ makes one take a second look ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  8. If she had a head, I'd think she'd look quite perplexed by her current status!

  9. I wonder did she aspire to star in Disney's Frozen movie?!!
    Always like to admire a red brick wall!

  10. My head often explodes and falls off. I think it's the political debates I keep getting into, not the weather.

  11. It was sunny here today, and almost spring!

  12. Yikes the idea that my head will fall off if it gets too cold is way too scary

  13. Sunny here but cool and I was stuck at the office... Poor thing, the cold made her lose her head!

  14. I've heard the expression...Freezing my butt off but never my head. That's an unusual statue to say the least behind that fence.

  15. Poor lady has seen a better day.

  16. Did you get that wind and snow last night? I put pictures up. Today we are told to move our cars so the plow can get the remains of that snow away. To clean it up..

    I am up North your the city gal.

    Awful about the hospital flooding a week or so. St. Micheal's. I was born there.

    That in the Emergency the damage. Not sure if they are taking in normal now. At first it said Walk in patients.

  17. Yep, need an additional wrap, I think. And a hat. :-)

  18. Poor lady! I hope it starts warming up soon.

  19. Looks like frostbit has taken away a good bit of her!

  20. when it's cold don't loose you head

  21. Ouch that poor woman, I know exactly how she feels...

  22. Great shot and description that made me smile. Enjoyed reading the comments too :).

  23. That's an extreme case of frostbite!

  24. That's funny. She should have her coat on at least.

  25. Some people just lose their heads over things like cold weather.

  26. Oh, dear, me. Her head froze off :-) I really like that sculpture even if the head is missing.

  27. Uh oh! Her head froze off!
    Stopping by from Good Fences and I'm glad I found you. This is my first visit.
    I hope you'll come share at
