Saturday, April 2, 2016


Cardinals are one of our year round birds and when it snows it is particularly impressive to see the bright red against the white. We had a bit of snow & ice a couple of weeks ago and I caught these two male cardinals having a snack. The guy in the foreground was on the move so he is a bit fuzzy.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. red is one of my favorite colors

  2. LOL... your favourite colour.

  3. As we don't have cardinals in Ireland, I always enjoy seeing photos of them especially against the snow.

  4. Beautiful birds. I have a hard time photographing them down here. They seem to be very shy!

  5. They are such beautiful birds. It's rare to see them here in winter. I wonder if the ones in this area tend to stick to more rural areas.

  6. I am envious of the colors: the best I can do now is a couple of very black blackbirds!

  7. They're gorgeous birds, wish we had them.

  8. we keep them all year here and i'm always glad to see their bright colors.

  9. Hello, I love the pretty cardinals. They brighten up my yard with their lovely red color. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  10. They're lovely. We don't have anything close to that over here. Maybe a glimpse of kingfisher - but you wouldn't see them in a garden unless you were VERY lucky! I'd love to see cardinals up close.

  11. Mirrored by the red in the plant.

  12. They are one of my favorite birds. Wish they were here in our neck of the woods.

  13. Beautifully Red!
    Perhaps, Toronto should consider a different name for the Baseball Team, eh? :)
    Just kidding!
    Have a Happy Day!
    Peace :)

  14. Goodness they are like little rubies in the snow Pat.. they really are the beautiful little birds, well captured here.

  15. They are beautiful, Pat and look good in the snow !!
