Saturday, May 14, 2016

Cat In The Window

There is something wonderful about a cat in a store window. They get to watch the world go by and the world gets to see a friendly soul. This guy is probably about 2 years old now and lives in an antique store on Bathurst St. Usually he ignores me but this time he posed quite nicely! I like that white blaze on his nose.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. He looks a lot like our kitties but our kitties lack the white...they've got more gold. What a cutie. I often see cats in antique stores...wonder why?

  2. Hello sweet kitty! So true, and they always give you the urge to snap their picture too!

  3. What a sweet face. I regularly see cats sitting on their windowsills looking out at the vastness of their domain.

  4. He is EXACTLY like one of my wee ferals Pat, gorgeous markings. The last time I went into an antique store I was greeted by the most gorgeous snuffly old bulldog :)

  5. He is such a handsome fellow.

  6. How much is that kitty in the window?

  7. Hello, love the kitty in the window. That blaze on his nose is cute. Great shot! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  8. A shot you couldn't resist. What a pretty kitty.

  9. Pat, that is probably a watch cat protecting this business. Anyone get out line here gets their arm torn off.

  10. He is gorgeous. The markings are simply fantastic. I will have to show my fur-kids :)
    Nice photo.
    Have a Happy Weekend, Pat!
    Peace :)

  11. Perfect -- he obviously wanted his portrait taken! I love seeing store kitties too.
