Monday, May 9, 2016


This painted utility box is located at the corner of St Clair Ave & Keele St in the Junction on what had been the site of the Ontario Stockyards which was the largest livestock market in Canada until it closed in the 1990s. There were also many meat-packing plants in the area which have also now disappeared. The area is now occupied by the Stockyards Shopping Mall and many large businesses like Home Depot. I like the reference to the area's history that this one makes.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello, I like this cow painting. Another great painted box find! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. I love little subtle reminders of the history of a place. This one does that very nicely.

  3. Yes this one is great with its reference to the past!

  4. Now this one I like a lot, not only for its historical connect, but also because its whimsical and fun! Very nice photo, too!

  5. This is another great utility box art work. You have found a number of these. Each one is better than the last. Most cities have lost their stockyards and meat packing industry. Chicago's stockyards is now an industrial park. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog today. Alway appreciate your visits.

  6. Nice one! Not something you'd find a lot.

  7. Cheerful, better than a plain old box.

  8. A wonderful way to brighten up what would otherwise be strictly utilitarian.

  9. The cow looks a bit sad in my eyes as if she knows that a lot of her kind were coming to an end here.

  10. Kind of reminds me of the Chick-fil-A commercials. :-)

  11. That's a great idea to make the connection to the areas history, lovely artwork as well...

  12. How clever. I like the expression on the cow's face.

  13. A very sweet reference to the area's history Pat, cool find!

  14. Cute! Reminds me of laughing cow cheese. :)

  15. I really like this happy cow too!
