Monday, July 18, 2016


This mural on Bloor St in the Annex neighbourhood was just completed a couple of weeks ago. The artist is Nick Sweetman and he wanted to show "humanity's insignificance compared to the rest of the universe" and at the same time bring attention to the plight of bees. Wonderful, isn't it?
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from a round the world.


  1. Beautiful and creative. A mural with a message!

  2. It is, indeed, wonderful. I was hoping the plight of the bee had been mitigated somewhat. We do need the bees!

  3. That is simply brilliant! Very well done!

  4. It's a brilliant mural Pat, what a fab find, such a vibrant way to bring g attention to the importance of bees to the environment! I checked the link to Rubbergob also, gorgeous quirky designs, will have to pass it along to Aimee 😃

  5. That is a strong mural. Not sure I've ever seen a green bee. Like the way the artist incorporated the windows into the mural.

  6. Not that is an awesome sight!

  7. That's a psychedelic bee! Love this one, great find!

  8. Looks to me, though, like that stop sign could use a little attention now. :-)
