Monday, July 25, 2016

"City Animals"

I spotted this wonderfully painted utility box on St Clair Ave right beside a nice outdoor patio. The artist for this box is Jen Bulthuis and tomorrow I will show you the other two sides. Since these are all "City Animals", which is the title for this, they are all dressed nicely!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. I like these a lot Pat, so quirky and fun 😃

  2. I love what the artists are doing to Toronto's utility boxes. I am still waiting for the trend to arrive in Pickering.
    Yes the storm was fun to watch early this morning. I have never seen so many rapid flash of lightning before.

  3. I love that rabbit with the long ears and the great argyle sweater.

  4. Awww... love the bunny! The look on his face makes me smile.

  5. So sophisticated! Love this concept!

  6. I love to see artists given a free hand to paint city utility boxes. They often come up with creative images. This one has a considerable amount of humor. Good find.

  7. Adorable! What fun to hang with you in the city!

  8. i love this and that is one spiffy bunny rabbit!

  9. Looks like he's been to the hare dresser.

  10. They are beautifully dressed! I live in a more casual City (probably fortunately for me -- I'd need a whole new wardrobe to keep up with these two handsome creatures!)

  11. These are wonderful ... a great addition to urban life and another feather in Toronto's bonnet!

  12. The proverbial hare and fox, I see! I like the look.

  13. Rabbits look good in argyle. Sorry for the Linky glitch. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  14. That rabbit is adorable and reminds me of Alice in Wonderland!
