Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Blessing Backpacks

This is a new one for me. When I saw this sign at St Clements Church I had to pull over to see what it is all about. School starts here next week and I guess getting your backpack blessed is supposed to help keep you safe through the school year. It is also combined with a campaign to give backpacks and supplies to kids who are in need.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Distributing backpacks is common here, but I've never heard about blessing them.

  2. This is so cool! A wonderful idea!

  3. Hello, what a great idea! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Whether you "believe" or not, it doesn't matter. . .can't hurt! So happy that backpacks are available for kids. A somber note: couldn't help but notice the date, Sept 11, and the irony of the concept of safety.

  5. That "blessing" part is a new one to me however the backpack drive is something I've seen done a lot around here. In fact, the place I work just finished one.

  6. I saw an article about a Lutheran church in South Florida that was conducting a "Blessing of the Backpacks" service. Sounds rather silly to me, but I suppose it's a good gimmick to get the kiddies involved along with their parents.

  7. Never heard of the idea that backpacks need a blessing but distributing them is charitable.

  8. I know that they distribute backpacks to kids but never heard about the blessing part.

  9. I was going to say. . . probably as much about giving out backpacks as blessing them.

  10. I have seen churches bless all sorts of things, but never backpacks. Good they are giving backpacks away. That should help many hard pressed families.

  11. I support this action. We should do all we can to make an even playing field for kids at school.

  12. I like the blessing added to help kids get school supplies.

  13. catholics do some strange things (i was raised one). but guess it can't hurt. :)

  14. I like the backpack drive idea for kids who can't afford it and prayer is effective.

  15. We just had a blessing of the backpacks at my church this past Sunday. Episcopalian, not Catholic, and we also have a school at our church, so I think that is why they do this.

  16. Update on those bags. A movie star who is black. She won for one of the movies made in setting of Africa in Toronto . The tiff is it called. The red Carpet walk.She was on the Allen D Show today. Sept 21/2016
    They are taking the bags to Africa and will
    have a light inside as a bonus so the children traveling will be able to see. They travel in the dark to school. The African children. I think you can see the video shows on your computer most times. If you missed the show.
