Monday, September 12, 2016

Eight Storeys High!

This mural by famed English artist Phlegm was painted on the side of an office building at Yonge & St Clair St in July in the middle of what was probably our hottest summer ever! The figure is 8 storeys high and is made up of little illustrations of landmark buildings and sights from around the city. I will show you a bit of detail from it tomorrow.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Wow,now that is a work of art and would have been quite the challenge and to witness it as well! Bravo.

  2. What a fantastic mural! I'm in awe of people who can think of things like this and then create them.

  3. Oh I knew this was Phlegm straight away.. it's incroyable, I loooove his work. The size and attention to detail is breathtaking! I'm looking in wonder Pat, merci beaucoup for finding and sharing 😊

  4. OH> MY>WORD!! This is awesome! A brilliant mural1 What a talent (though his name kinda catches in my throat ;-)

  5. wow- absolutely incredible!

  6. Wow. Great absolute in idea and performance. Waiting for the details tomorrow. Thanks for showing.

  7. Okay, now I REALLY like this. I'd love to get up close and study the detail in it.

  8. That is huge and the artist is very creative.

  9. Wow...that is huge!

  10. Wow! I love the scale of it. Must have been a lot of work. Can't wait to see more.

  11. Oooooohhhhhh . . . this one is superb, RedPat.

  12. Oh my such a work of Art.
