Saturday, September 3, 2016

Excuse Me

This little grey squirrel seems to be very politely begging for a handout but he was out of luck. What a wonderful bushy tail he has! We seem to have an abundance of squirrels around town this year - I'm not sure if the warm weather has had something to do with it or not.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. He is cute, and you can almost hear him saying hello there friend!

  2. Es preciosa!
    Un abrazo.

  3. Squirrels are quite alien to us in Australia and I was quite fascinated to see them in Canada, but even more cute and interesting were chipmunks as they noseyed around, ignored by locals but they had we foreign types entranced.

  4. They are common here too and I often watch them in the trees opposite my house. They are pests really - but cute pests.

  5. I have a soft spot for squirrels... He seems so polite looking!

  6. They look so cute Pat, I like the way here in your shot Monsieur Squirrel's tail kind of blends in with the background 😊

  7. I like the tail. Our squirrels have little skinny tails. And we don't have a lot this year but that maybe 'cause there are a couple of hawks hanging in the skies nearby.

  8. He's so cute and he's posing for you perfectly.

  9. Ha ha ha adorable, Pat! (The squirrel is cute too)

  10. Hello, what a cutie. I like the bushy tail. They are such beggars. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter and post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

  11. Well, he tried...
    I love squirrels. We have red ones.

  12. How could you resist when he was asking so politely? :-)

  13. He does look like he's trying to tell you something, doesn't he! Sweet little face. I have lots of squirrels in my yard ... black, grey, red and a brownish one that I wonder if he's a grey/black mix.
