Thursday, September 8, 2016

What A Lawn

A summer shot of the incredible lawn around the head office of Manufacturers Life Insurance Co on Bloor St E with a view across the road of St Paul's Anglican Church. There is a huge fence surrounding the lawn but the grounds are open to the public. 
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. A well kept lawn with a wonderful light.

  2. With this dry summer they sure had to water it a lot.

  3. Incredible is the right word for this lawn. It looks perfect!

  4. This is so well maintained! i'm sure its a delight to enjoy this public space.

  5. What a lovely view. I'm sure developers would ache to get their greedy mitts on it.

  6. Gorgeous lawn. The heat has turned my lawn brown.

  7. Nice place to rest for awhile and watch the city go by.

  8. Hello, it is a pretty spot. I like the flowers and trees, a nice green place in the city. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  9. Nice that the ground are free to walk in. Such pretty flowers, trees and lush green grass. I spotted part of the fence too. It looks nice as well.

  10. that is pretty...i love the shadows too!

  11. Beautiful light in your photo. How great that the park is open to the public. Must be a great place to walk.

  12. Geez! You think the insurance company has enough room? Maybe they need to knock out a wall or two and expand. :-)

  13. That's very nice of them to open those park-like grounds to the public. Here in Eugene there would probably be homeless people sleeping on the lawn. (It is a huge sad problem here. I guess because the weather is relatively mild and there is a relaxed attitude here, live and let live. We sort of subscribe to that, but it is getting out of hand).

  14. What a nice green space.

  15. That's so green! Lots of water used to keep it that way. A great shot, but I'm not sure that green lawns are in the best interest in this time of drought.

  16. Looks a bit like a real English lawn.

  17. I'd like to know what they use to green up that lawn Pat, mine could use a wee perk up!
