Monday, December 12, 2016

Garage Demon

How would you like to be greeted by this guy when you approach your garage? He seems to be doing a good job keeping evildoers and taggers away from this garage door though! The artist looks to be Merak Kops.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello, what a cool mural. Looks ready to attack! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  2. Indeed a great guard of the holy temple doors. Nice find.

  3. I'm sure he does a good job of keeping wrong doers away but, I wouldn't want to see him every time I came home.

  4. You were brave just to stand there long enough to take his photo!

  5. He needs to turn his frown upside down!

  6. If it could jump, we would jump too out of fear! Nice find.

  7. Not one of my favorites. I have to wonder about the mind that produces stuff like this! :) BTW, thanks for your comment on Ocala. I think security went to lunch! :)

  8. Red Pat, you found a terrific garage mural. Haven't seen a demon this good in a long time. All the strongest demons guard the best temples.

  9. awesome title for this striking piece!

  10. Rather scary. Great idea for garage door.

  11. Quite a ferocious look to this!

    Regarding your comment in my post from yesterday, Mackenzie King had a habit of naming his dogs Pat, and yes, he did apparently commune with them after they were dead.

  12. Brilliantly painted Pat but oh la imagine being greeted by it coming home late after a hard day's work 😀

  13. The car inside is safe for sure !

  14. Hmm. Reminds me of creatures you see hanging round shopping malls. Good bit of artwork, though!

  15. Why on earth would anyone want something like this on their garage? There is no accounting for taste.

  16. "Back away from the garage and nobody gets hurt." Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
