Friday, December 16, 2016

In With The New

In even the most exclusive neighbourhoods older homes on good sites are being purchased for a lot of money and are then torn down and even bigger more luxurious homes built to replace them. This site is along the same street as the home I showed you last Sunday, just beside Casa Loma and at the top of the steep hill along Davenport Rd. This is going to give this new house a great view of downtown and Lake Ontario!


  1. Hello, it does have a nice view of the downtown area. I feel bad the older homes are gone. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Wish everyone could have a home! Thanks for taking us to another place worth lingering

  3. A plot with a view.. nice! I hope they build something tasteful on this prime spot Pat ☺

  4. It really is amazing isn't it. I live adjacent to one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Phoenix and the same thing is happening there. All those homes that I thought were mansions 30 to 40 years ago are being torn down and even bigger places put up in their place. There are only a few of the old places left.

  5. Wow, it absolutely will be a marvelous spot to call home!

  6. The rich are the same as the rest of us, they just get to build their dream houses on sites like this! And it does provide a fantastic view of the city.

  7. Yes, they do that in many places. Kind of sad but fixing an old house can be expensive and challenging.

  8. I love a big city in the background

  9. An expensive view no doubt but nice.

  10. I think there's too much money involved.

  11. Hope they manage to keep at least a few trees.

  12. Down with the old and up with the new monster home. Same thing happening in Pickering.

  13. Nice view indeed with that skyline.
