Thursday, December 29, 2016

Summer Path

I tried to go to take a pic of this path with snow just before Christmas but the footing was quite slippery so I will have to wait until we get another nice fluffy snowfall. We have had a lot of warm weather the last few days so it is not a pretty sight right now.


  1. Nice path, also with a bench for tired wanderer :)

  2. Hello, it is a pretty summer scene. I would like to see the snow covered path too. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead. I wish you all the best in 2017, Happy New year!

  3. Lovely summery scene! Take care on those icy paths!

  4. This is a lovely scene and I like that fence!

  5. I bet it's very pretty all covered with snow. Wise of you not to risk a fall.

  6. A very pleasant scene!

    Earlier this week I considered going down a pathway for my post tomorrow, but thought better of it considering how icy it was.

  7. That looks like a nice place to walk. I bet it does look lovely in the winter so be careful if you head down that way.

  8. I wish you a good year 2017 Pat ¡¡Happy New Year 💕Feliz Año Nuevo !!
    We continue next year.

  9. Yes, I like the bench. We could use a few more where I live.

  10. It is pretty here, RedPat. I went out for a walk today to get some exercise, but had to spend so much time watching my step that I didn't really get to look around for things to photograph. Back to Naples tomorrow. The footing is much better there!!!
