Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lights Out

I've been showing you a few posts lately about the closing of Honest Ed's, the legendary discount store on Bloor St at Bathurst and this is a pic I took in 2010 of the huge sign at the corner. Well, at 5pm on December 31 2016 the lights were turned off for good - all 23,000 of them. The closing of this store, which opened in 1948, has been a big event in the city and we now wait to see how the new development will fit into the surrounding neighbourhood.


  1. It looks beautiful with lights all over them...

  2. Wow, the lights are beautiful. I hope the new development is a success. Enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  3. Wow, now that's a whole lot of lights, and it shows! I bet it was a bittersweet moment for them all!

  4. I never shopped there but I do have sad feelings about the closure.

  5. The longer we live, the more 'used to be' things and people we remember!
    Each of us is a chest of treasures. Thank you Pat for sharing your own

  6. Excellent night photo! I can imagine this closing was somewhat difficult in that the store has been there for so long - it's like an icon.

    I'm back on Blogger and yes, I know what you're going to say and yes, you're right, I'm an idiot. But my attempt to work with went awry. So, go ahead and laugh, I can take it. 😂

  7. The end of an era for sure. I bet whatever gets developed here won't be any where near as glitzy.

  8. Was a real Americana look there.

  9. I think every city should have at least one Vegas-style-lighted business like this. Sorry it's gone.

  10. Awwww .... sad face. I hope the new development lives up in some small way to what went before.

  11. Ed Mirvish was a true legend with a huge heart.

  12. I have been following the closure of this landmark store on your blog for some time. Thank you for documenting it.

  13. Impressive view with all the lights on. The end of an era. It will be interesting to see its new look and how people react to it.

  14. How beautiful! It seems sad that it is all gone now.

  15. Well, whatever replaces it has got a whale of a tradition to keep up. 23,000 lights. Sheesh!

  16. Well that corner is going to be a bit darker until they decide what to do here Pat, looking forward to seeing exactly what that is!

  17. Yes, we have been watching this with you. Kind of sad. I hope the next use of this large plot is a good one for the neighborhood.
