Thursday, January 5, 2017

Side Entrance

I am back visiting my new favourite house which I first showed you in mid December (HERE). This is the side entrance to the house and the drive into the underground parking space. The house has the look of the Brutalist poured concrete but it is actually a stone facade the we see. I love all the planes and angles from this view as well as that great fence which encloses an inner courtyard.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. I love the sleek lines of this house.

  2. I really do love the look of this place. Very attractive!

  3. You put that well, Pat. It might be considered a brutalist building, but it's beauty surpasses what we expect from that style.

  4. Join to my fences your post please

  5. This house looks like a 1960s modern style. Looks great. Saw a special last night on PBS about wolf-coyote mix called coy wolf that populate Toronto. They say there are 2000 coy wolves living in Toronto, but they are rarely seen. Apparently they cause little danger to people, but small dogs and cats may disappear.

  6. A very beautifully designed home from every angle!

  7. I like this, it's very attractive!

  8. I'm with you! Who says one can't like different styles? I love mid-century modern, Florida cracker houses, craftsmen styles, Victorian, and this one! I'd really like to see how it all works together inside.

  9. Hmm. Underground parking, you say. Kinda creepy. Sure hope it's well lit.

  10. A most unusual-looking house!
    Hope you are having a good week!

  11. Interesting. I'd like to see the inside!

  12. I like it very much too Pat. Do you get the programme 'Grand Designs' over there? I'm addicted to it 😊 it's really opened up my eyes to different styles of architecture. I like the way this home has been softened a little by the trees planted.

  13. Lovely, and for me my thoughts go right to the layout inside! I bet it's very interesting.

  14. Very modern looking. It has great lines and lovely trees.

  15. As you know from our previous exchange of comments, my tastes are pretty traditional, but I adore this particular modern home. See, there is some common ground between us!
