Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I passed by this spot and just happened to notice the unusual name of the place so went back for a pic. This building used to house the Oakwood Hardware store and you can still see the wonderful old signs for Lowe Brothers paints at the top of the window. Well now it is a gastropub that has excellent reviews and the pics of the interior look great so I'm thinking a visit is in order!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. That certainly is a funny and catchy name. Yes, I think it would behoove you to provide all your faithful readers with a comprehensive review of the food and decor ... :)

  2. You will have to give us a review when you give it a try. I like that they've honored the former owners with their name.

  3. It has a great sign and name. It is fine that they have carried the tradition of the old hardware store and serve great food.

  4. People tend to remember unique names of places especially if it involves food.

  5. Hello, the photo is not showing for me. I will stop back later.
    Enjoy your day!

  6. Hello, lol! Now, I see the signs and the store. I would like to see inside too.

  7. Old hardware stores, for some reason, do seem to make for very popular restaurants.

  8. Might be a bit confusing to the occasional passer-by!

  9. ...this reminds me of a place in Buffalo.

  10. Awesome! These old hardware stores used sell everything except building materials. They were classics.

  11. Well that's quite a change in usage for the old hardware store Pat ☺ boutique beer is so popular now.

  12. Very interesting. I see a lot of conversions, and often some of the distinctive features are kept and reused, but keeping the name, too? That is unusual.
