Friday, February 24, 2017

More Green Doors

I'm not sure if it is just me but I would want to match those shutters more to the colour of the doors. This is another of the row of dwellings along Lawrence Ave in the Lawrence Park neighbourhood like the one I showed you yesterday. Not sure what you would call this style.


  1. Now that's a fancy piece of plinth above the doors! You're right about the colours!

  2. This one is nice looking too but, I agree with you. The doors should match the shutters or if not they should have a bigger contrast like a red.

  3. I see you are going more colonial today. Looks great.

  4. Yeah, that doesn't look right. In fact, it looks awful, and I would not be able to look at it for very long without running and buying some paint and match the colors! Sheesh! This looks like what some morons down our way would do, but I'm really surprised that you have such a thing in Canada. On the other hand, an Ontario car damn near an me over yesterday afternoon right here in Ocala! :)

  5. I'd be choosing the colour of the doors over the shutters.

  6. Need to paint the shutters green. Maybe the people who live there can't agree on the colours. I still like the house, it's attractive even with that one flaw. :) I wonder if the folks who live there will ever know that people around the world critiqued their house. :)

  7. That colour mix is just so wrong.

  8. It's an interesting style Pat, makes me think of French country for some inexplicable reason ☺

  9. Sorry, RedPat. I would go the other direction and paint the doors either blue (like the shutters) or something strong to contrast with them (red or black).

    I have been absent for a bit. Cataract surgery. No glasses now, though I am still getting my near vision adjusted.
