Saturday, February 11, 2017

Peanut Ring

One way to keep the squirrels away from the bird feeders is to give them their own ring of treats in the form of peanuts in the shell. They just have to reach trough the loops of wire and out pops a peanut. This black squirrel was having a bit of trouble at first getting over to the ring as the grey buddy on the ground watched on. I'll show you the sequel tomorrow!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. They're pretty determined little critters Pat, must be fun to watch their antics ☺ yes there was flooding Pat, mainly in the country towns, the Avon River flooded over the roads and I think in some places homes had to be evacuated, dreadful.

  2. Well, that's a new one on me. We ate at a restaurant last night where they gave you peanuts and you were supposed to drop the shells on the floor. Fun time. More fun, I'm sure, than that black squirrel is having! :)

  3. Giving peanuts to the squirrels just encourages them. Not sure that is a wise idea. Many of them will start hanging around expecting treats. I had a squirrel who fell down my fireplace chimney. Fortunately there is a glass door on the fireplace, so it did not get into the house. Lured it into a live trap with peanut butter. Caught it, and let it go a few blocks away. The next day in was back in the fireplace looking for another peanut butter sandwich.

  4. I've never seen one like this. They get their exercise before they can haul away a peanut.

  5. Hello, this is a great feeder. The blue jays love it too, they are able to pick out the peanuts. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Very smart and very cute. One time when our tea kettle died, we took out the element and filled it with seeds then nailed the kettle to a tree. We then sat and watched squirrels climb the tree, get some treats and go bury them to get ready ready for the winter. Fun entertainment for us.

  7. Oh that must drive them mad. But they are persistent critters and will eventually empty it.

  8. Good idea. I may need to give this a try. I have issued with the squirrels at my bird feeders.

  9. Hmm, maybe I need to try that. The squirrels decimate several of my feeders, although they avoid the thistle seed and the hot pepper suet.

  10. I am all about being kind to the squirrels while keeping them out of the bird seed. This looks like a great idea!
