Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Pretty Bird

This is the back of the utility box which I showed you yesterday. The lady's hair from the front has gone around the corner and become a tree for the bird to perch upon. I like this artist's work and wish we knew who it was. And as you can see from all of the open space behind this across the road we are not downtown for this one  - there are no big parking lots like that in the middle of the city!


  1. This is really a lovely looking utility box, Pat !

  2. I think I like even more now that I've seen the back. Very nice.

  3. It's a delight Pat.. I know what you mean about the parking lots, if Toronto is like Perth, in the city the parking goes up the way, not spread out ☺😶

  4. Hello, that is a neat mural. Love the cute bird! Enjoy your day!

  5. This is pretty, I like both sides of this arty utility box.

  6. This is so creative and such a nice way to beautify the city.

  7. Very interesting!
    I love both sides of the box

  8. So far this utility box is the closes thing I have seen to spring.

  9. Another nicely painted utility box.
