Sunday, March 5, 2017


I'm going to show you parts of a mural over the next three days and then on Wednesday will show you the whole thing together. This first section brings back lots of memories of hanging from trees as a kid although never with red hair like that. And over there on the right is proof that payphones do still exist!


  1. Love it!
    Eager to see the rest of it
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Whoa, that's cool. And I loved hanging from trees when I was a kid.

  3. I never did hang from a tree like that. I did however hang upside down from some playground equipment (called the jungle gym) many times.
    Your comment yesterday about "half slips" made me laugh. That is so true, I haven't seen one in years. They seem to have gone the way of hose and nylons. Seems hard to believe we wore all those things at one time.

  4. The murals just like this one are getting so big that they have to photographed in sections. I am looking forward to the next three postings.

  5. I will look forward to seeing more of this fine looking mural.

  6. It must be a huge mural Pat.. now that looks exactly like Aimee hanging upside down there 😀

  7. I was a tree climber and tree hanger in my younger years when I was really stupid!. Cute pic, though. You have slot machine phones still? I think ours are all gone now.

  8. How fun. This part is quite joyfully incredible and colorful!

  9. I like this mural and cannot believe there is still a payphone in existence!!

  10. Great mural with a lot of details. I like that.

  11. Oh it's so vivid and I remember swinging from the trees too - not with red hair either!
