Sunday, March 19, 2017

Stairs With A View

This is the view from the top of the stairs leading up to Casa Loma from Davenport Rd - there are 110 steps. This view appears in thousands of pics and selfies since it seems that practically everyone going to the Casa wants this pic with the CN Tower visible in the distance behind the towers of the financial district. It is very strange on foggy days to see no tower there!


  1. Pretty location. I know the feeling when fog sets in. We were so shocked once when visiting the faces at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota (it was the first time for my two youngest children) and fog completely covered the area. We waited until the fog lifted and wow, the amazement on our two little children was just incredible!

  2. Thank you for posting daily, (besides a day brightener) it always gives me an actual count of how many days I worked and couldn't post. A bittersweet revelation!

  3. I remember going to Casa Loma but, I don't think I took any shots of the view from there. I do recall that it was on higher ground. In fact, I can't remember how we got there. We must have taken a taxi.

  4. Running up all those stairs sounds like hard work. But it is a great view.

  5. Something to navigate by. I do much the same thing with the Washington Monument here in D.C.

  6. What a fantastic view of the city!

  7. Maybe once upon a time but no longer would I challenge 110 stairs!

  8. There aren't to many places one can go in T.O. without seeing the CN Tower.

  9. Hello, what a nice view of the city and tower. Happy 1st day of Spring. Have a great new week ahead!
