Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Up In A Tree

When I was a kid it seemed like all the kids in the neighbourhood were up in trees in a nearby woodlot all the time. Somehow I don't think parents let their kids do that much these days. This is the third part of the mural I have been showing you the last few days and unfortunately it is a bit faded by the sun but I like it. Tomorrow I'll show you the whole mural all together and you'll see why I did it in sections.


  1. These parts of the mural are beautiful and very interesting, Pat !
    I'm curious to see the whole mural tomorrow... :)

  2. I think I see a theme of children enjoying their summer activities. I can relate to that. Growing up in Illinois, summer was so important. No school and we were pretty much free to do what we wanted. Every day was an adventure.

  3. It's kind of funny I remember we did a lot of things are parents wouldn't have approved of, and thankfully we survived every climb and wild adventure we were on! This reminds me of those days, it's great!

  4. I had lots of fun climbing trees when a kid. I think you're right, though - not so much of that these days. But it's not because of the parents. It's because of all the tech gadgets that kids have access to. ...

  5. Another pretty section of the mural, Pat! The lupins really give it extra colour & now the yellow hydrant blends in!

  6. These are beautiful and so rich in color. Thank you so much for sharing these and I love that Chilling By The Water shot. Well Done!


  7. Love the variety of colors in the lupins. Always good to see kids having fun.

  8. The colours are looking good.

  9. It certainly does catch your eye. Very pretty!

  10. I was the kid occasionally falling out of trees and breaking various bones.

  11. This part is reminding me of the time my son got stuck up in one of the trees in our backyard and I had to climb up there and get him down! I can't wait to see the whole mural.

  12. You are spot on Pat.. parents these days don't seem to let children just play incase they hurt themselves, I recall quite a bit of tree climbing ☺ Looking forward to seeing in full!

  13. I had a look back at other parts of this mural. Love it!

  14. Colorful and detailed. Taste to more.
