Thursday, March 2, 2017

Waiting For Spring

We have actually been having warm weather but I took this pic a few weeks ago after the snow storm I've been showing the last few days. Those dried up plants on this fence are Morning Glories if I remember correctly and it will be nice to see new ones coming up soon. These small fence pieces are found by the condos along Davenport Road that look across the road at Casa Loma - a great view!
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Fine artistic B&W shots lately dear!

  2. Your landscape looks pretty much like ours.

  3. It's nice that they left the pieces of the fence there. It adds interest.

  4. It's quite nice, even though it's one of the smallest fences I've ever seen! :)

  5. Very pretty but I had mistakenly assumed this was the remnant of an older grand fence that would have lined the street! Great shot!

  6. Hello, the fence will be beautiful with the blooming flowers.The fence is pretty. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  7. I wonder what happened to the rest of it?

  8. Back to the cold again today. lol

  9. Beautiful design! We've been having a bit of spring here too, and then yesterday I had a horrible icy, snowy drive in to work! What normally takes 10 minutes if that, was over an hour! I was late to work.

  10. Quite a pretty gateway!

    We had more snow in the night after recent warm ups.

  11. It's rather grand Pat, look forward to seeing it in spring with the morning glory in full bloom ☺
