Friday, April 7, 2017

The Next Day

This house was found just a couple of doors away from yesterday's house and is a good example of what the replacements for the Ranch style homes look like. One can't help but wonder exactly how much space people need in a home.


  1. Hello, it is a pretty home. WAY too big for me. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. My goodness! That is big! If you have enough money to build a house that size, I guess you can afford to hire a housekeeping staff. Though I sometimes wonder if people who live in large houses are in debt up to their ears.

  3. That is almost exactly like the ones being built around here. The bigger the better. I too wonder about how much space people need and about how much money they have to throw at it.

  4. That looks just about big enough for me! :) It's a gorgeous structure, for sure.

  5. It would be a full time job cleaning this house.

  6. Our fur-kids would love to make every room :)
    Nice looking home.
    Have a Happy Friday, Pat !!
    Peace :)

  7. I wonder if it's partly because of people like this that whole areas get priced out of the range of most people.

  8. We lived on our boat in Waikiki for 20 years. Then a small apt for a few years. Coming to a HOUSE in Calif felt like being in a BARN! Now I know it is just a nice 1 family house common here on the continent. All what you're used to, eh?

  9. Nice looking home but I wouldn't want to live in something that big.

  10. That is a huge, stone house. I would much rather live in yesterday's ranch style house. One would need a riding vacuum cleaner for the stone house.

  11. It's nice, but way too big for me. I have friends who just built a big house like that...for only two people! I don't understand.

  12. It does a great job of proclaiming affluence. Honestly it's beautiful &
    I'd love to see inside but too big for me!

  13. That is way too big, I think.

  14. . . . and how much driveway. Sheesh!

  15. It's nice - but so big! But I like the older ranch style as well.

  16. That house is probably for just two people.

  17. I agree, and it's funny but there are a lot of houses like that where just two people live in it! I know they've got to have help cleaning right? Otherwise you'd spend all your days and cleaning and never enjoying it!

  18. This is definitely happening down here in Naples. At least this house is quite attractive and well designed. And, while big, not monstrously big.
