Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Baldwin Steps

This is a pic of the public walkway that leads up the steep hill to Casa Loma at the top. The hill itself was part of the shoreline of an ancient lake and the name Baldwin refers to the family who owned this property before it became public. The big steps on the left are for sitting while the 110 steps to the right lead you to the top. In the 1960s this area was to be taken over by a 6 lane highway which would have run through the centre of the Annex neighbourhood but was cancelled in 1971 after probably the largest resistance our city has ever seen with protests everywhere!


  1. Love to hear success stories like this Pat. Such a lovely spot here, 100% better than a motorway.. yay for people power!

  2. Great history lessons, thanks for sharing and nice photo!

  3. With all those beautiful homes you've shown us in the Annex area, I can't even imagine putting a highway through the middle of. So glad that didn't happen.

  4. Glad to hear that the protest stopped the highway construction. With 110 steps, is there an elevator? Climbing them would be a workout.

  5. A very pleasant place to sit and rest awhile!

  6. A lovely spot, one for the people!

  7. God bless the demonstrators who preserve beloved areas

  8. I certainly remember going up and down those steps many times over a year and a half in '74/'75, but I don't remember the Baldwin steps.

  9. It is always good when citizens band together to preserve what they love in a community.

  10. Me alegra quelrespetaran esa escalera. Está preciosa!!
