Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bigger But Better?

This is yet another of the large homes built after a nice Ranch style home has been torn down. The location is wonderful looking down into the ravines along the Humber River but I can't help but miss the sleekness of the old Ranch style.


  1. It is pretty, but much too big for me. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. A mansion for sure! At least the gate is open.

  3. As you know, I do love these kinds of houses. And I would love to get inside and seek out every nook and cranny. All this big houses have lots of nooks and crannies and that's where you find good stuff about the people living there!

  4. Yup, that is exactly what I'm seeing here in the neighborhood right next door to me. I agree, I Ioved seeing those sleek looking ranch style homes. This one has the typical "McMansion" look.

  5. It's a nice looking but way too big for me. I'll take a small cabin in the woods, it's more my style.

  6. Wow! That is huge. It's very pretty, but I would get lost in there.

  7. It does look rather grand Pat, couldn't possibly be more different from ranch style 😊

  8. Someone has an ego that needs stroking, looking at this place.
