Friday, June 23, 2017

Great Porches

A recent walk through the Annex neighbourhood had me admiring the wonderful porches found on so many of these large older homes. This one in particular has porches so large that there is space for a hammock on that 2nd floor porch. These houses were all built as single family homes in the late 1800s but most are now divided into flats although the trend is to buy and reconvert to single family dwellings.


  1. Beautiful architecture!
    Have a great week-end!

  2. The Annex neighborhood has some wonderful old homes Pat, it must have been wonderful way back then when these huge homes were family homes.. I suppose most families were much bigger back then, it's really more our generation that are one or two child groups.

  3. As you may have guessed, I love everything about this place. I like the "reconversion" idea...this should be a single family home. That porch would be a wonderful place to hang out on a nice summer evening!

  4. Hello, it I a pretty home. Love the porches. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. A lovely place. The same has happened here- a lot of century old houses were converted into flats.

  6. Such an elegant building. I wish I had a hammock on a porch!

  7. You can't beat a wonderful porch! I miss that back porch from my old house.

  8. I like this house a lot and the big porches, how great is that. What a grand find!

  9. I love this house. I could come be your neighbor!

  10. Indeed great architecture and I want to felicitate the owner with the color of the porch and windows. Good choice by the brick color.
