Sunday, July 9, 2017


For about a year I have spotted these domes from afar but I had never had time to explore and find the building until recently. It turned out to be St Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Church which was completed in 2012 and is unusual in that it is built along a commercial street surrounded by small factories. I love the domes and the sky gave them a dramatic background!


  1. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. That really is a gorgeous building with so many interesting details. And, that sky is pretty special too.

  3. You shot this church at the perfect moment with sun on the domes and with the dark cloud background. There must be a sizable Ethiopian community to support this church. Fine the community and sample their coffee, the best in the world.

  4. The domes are fabulous Pat.. they do seem to be a feature on most orthodox churches. That's a really super spot you snapped this shot from.

  5. A very attractive building and a very dramatic sky.

  6. A little bit of the home country.

  7. Striking design and such gorgeous light.

  8. Hello, it is a pretty church. I love the gold domes. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  9. It is a very good looking' building. I had a happy occasion to observe an Ethiopian wedding; if you have an opportunity, go and see--it's wonderful.

  10. Awesome! Those domes are absolutely beautiful and the dark sky makes them stand out. Nice shot Pat!

  11. Bravo on this capture, your presentation with that sky really is fitting!

  12. Great image, RedPat. The copper is jumping and the sky is perfect.
