Friday, August 4, 2017

The Grange

Hidden behind the trees in yesterday's post was this fine building known as the Grange. It was built in 1817 as a manor house and what is now Grange Park was the front lawn of the home. The home and property were bequeathed to the Art Museum of Toronto (now called the Art Gallery of Ontario)  in 1910 and the Grange is part of the art gallery now. There is quite a contrast with Frank Gehry's wall and stairs!


  1. Your fine photo is a perfect example of clashing architectural styles.

  2. The juxtaposition is extraordinary Pat, but something we see so often these days. I'm just grateful that the heritage architecture is still there and not demolished!

  3. Wow, two very different architectural styles in one snap.

  4. I'm liking the general idea behind the building, fascinating indeed.

  5. The differences between these two buildings is eye-popping. The fun thing is, that I like them both. But, those stairs are simply amazing. Gehry designs are so unique!

  6. Now that was an unexpected reveal! What a contrast!

  7. Old vs new. Two fine looking buildings.

  8. Pretty cool combination. It looks like the museur is bursting into the sky.

  9. Both are nice buildings and I like the contrast.
    Lovely share, Pat!
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  10. Ah, traditional and modern creating beauty together!

  11. I love the manor house and I love the blue wall behind it. Might have been better if Gehry had restrained himself and omitted the stairwell. He could have found a place for it inside.
