Friday, September 1, 2017

September Theme: Photographing The Photographer

The September theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Photographing The Photographer" and I offer this pic taken along the stairway leading up to Casa Loma. Not only is the guy taking a pic of the young woman but their friend is taking a pic of them both on her device. The location is a bit unusual since most people take a pic from the other side of this landing in order to get the CN Tower in the background rather than the trees which will be in this one.
Taking part in the theme. Click HERE to see more photraphers from around the world.


  1. 2 photographers in one. Nice shot.

  2. Oh well done Pat!
    Looks very professional!

  3. That is a great shot for the theme. A "two for one"!

  4. Hello, great capture of the photographers. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. Something tells me that it's not your ordinary tourist shot. It looks like a little portrait taking might be going on. Great shot for the theme.

  6. Perfect, a two for one opportunity!

  7. Did you look around to see if anyone was taking a picture of you?

  8. Talk about the center of everyone's attention!

  9. I remember once taking a picture of a model posing for her photographer in Paris but I never thought to include the photographer in the picture. Might have been because the model was young and beautiful.

  10. Is there a third hiding in the bushes? Good shot for the theme.

  11. Nice work Pat, a double whammy! Lovely location, I can see why it's so popular there.

  12. Terrific contribution to the theme!

  13. So you are now the third photographer, taking a photo of the second, who is taking a photo of the first. Odd also that the model seems turned so that her face might be obscured. The shot will be arty, won't it?

  14. Somebody has got to be photographing you. It would only be right.

  15. A good choice of theme day photo

  16. This is really pretty, nice place for photos and fun to catch!
