Sunday, October 8, 2017

View Of Ontario Place

This is a view taken from Exhibition Place near  Scadding Cabin (the old log cabin home) that I showed you a few weeks ago. From this spot we are looking out at part of Ontario Place which is a piece of land sticking out into Lake Ontario. At one time it was very lively with an amusement park, theatre, music amphitheatre and more but its future has been much debated over the last few years. One nice thing has been the recent conversion of a parking lot into a park! That is part of the Martin Goodman walking/cycling trail that you can see in the foreground.


  1. it's amazing how things change in a few decades time

  2. I'd like to know how your politicos can get by with making a parking lot into a park. We are driven by profit down here; our politicians are bought and paid for by capitalistic profiteers. If there's a choice between a park and a new housing development or shopping mall, the park always gets the shaft! Always! Well, most of the time.

    You're fortunate in that way.

  3. A parking lot into a park?? What a fabulous idea! This looks like a beautiful place to relax or to exercise.

  4. I haven't been there since I was a kid.

  5. Hello, it is a beautiful scene. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  6. A very nice scene, not many people out and about. I love your clear blue sky something we don't see here too often.

  7. Looks like a nice place for the walking/biking trail.
