Friday, November 10, 2017

In The Pink

This Richardson Romanesque building is the Ontario Legislative building and since it is located in Queen's Park it has become known as Queen's Park itself. The park is owned by the U of Toronto and is leased to the province for $1 a year on a 999 year lease so since the building was completed in 1893 there is still a lot of time left on that lease. The pink look of the building comes from the Ontario sandstone used in its construction.


  1. ...built when beautiful things were important.

  2. An imposing structure which is appropriate for legislative use. That's a long lease! I've heard of 99 year leases but this, never! :) Love that Ontario sandstone!

  3. I've always thought it to be a beautiful structure. I've never been inside.

  4. It is a lovely building, I like the towers and those arched windows.

  5. What a pretty building. It looks so rock solid.

  6. A lovely building. I love those towers, very impressive.

  7. That is quite an impressive building!
