Friday, November 24, 2017

Stylish Utility

This wonderful building is actually a substation for Toronto Hydro and the gentleman driving the van out front told me that it is full of switches and transformers. The windows were replaced a few years ago and the brick work has been well maintained since the buildings completion in 1911. I mentioned to the Hydro guy that it would be nice to tour it during our Doors Open event in the city but apparently it would be too dangerous.


  1. Hello, it is a pretty brick building. It is a surprise as to what is inside.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. A substation inside a building! Amazing!
    My husband, now retired, worked for an electric power company, and yes substations are very dangerous places.
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  3. I agree it is a beautiful old building thats been well-cared for. I was going to ask you to go inside and give us an idea of the interior, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for you pulling the wrong switch and throwing all of Toronto into turmoil! ;))

  4. It would be great to tour inside also but switches & levers & buttons & knobs can prove too tempting for some hands!

  5. What a shame you can't tour it. It is a gorgeous building.

  6. I like the look of it. There are a couple of stations here that have that kind of character to them- visually interesting as opposed to strictly utilitarian.

  7. Nice building with all kinds of architectonical styles. I like it.

  8. Could be a truly electrifying tour. :-)

  9. A lovely old building. I never knew that they would be dangerous to be in.

  10. There are some interesting old hydro buildings around the province.

  11. Over 100 years old and still standing. Awesome.

  12. Gorgeous old building Pat and so well looked after. How about the big arched windows! Too fabulous!

  13. Utility buildings from that period are often quite handsome, as this one is. Many have been refurbished and repurposed. I am impressed that this one is still in service.
