Sunday, November 19, 2017

Tree House

Wouldn't you have loved to have this in your back garden when you were a kid? It looks like it is built on stilts rather than in the tree but I would still call it a tree house. And it even has a wee balcony!


  1. Hello, that is a cute play house. I have seen some tiny houses that are about the same size. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

  2. Oh yes, that would have been wonderful. What a great find.

  3. Yes, I bet there are a lot of adventures to be had here ☺ much more detailed than the tree house that my two had up a eucalyptus tree in the back yard.. but it did have a slide for a fast exit 😀

  4. Yes, I tried to build tree houses but never had any success. This is so nice. Maybe it's one of those "tiny" houses you see on HGTV? Why don't you climb up there and take a look inside? Please?

  5. I didn't have a tree house but I did have a big tree with a branch that formed a seating place for me, high above the foibles of earth.

  6. Isn't that just a fabulous tree house!

    All the best Jan

  7. I like that wee tree house, very nice indeed.

  8. This tree house looks like every kid's fantasy structure. It is certainly up in the canopy of the trees even if it has some supports on the ground.

  9. Oh, yeah! That would be a fun thing to have growing up. Even better for my granddaughters.

  10. My treehouse was my favourite place when I was 14!
