Saturday, December 30, 2017

Biking In The Snow

A lot of people still ride bikes around in the snow once the roads have been cleared a bit so our bike share program keeps the bikes out all winter. Not for me though!


  1. Great photo, but too cold for me!

  2. It looks a bit funny but here in Holland everybody use its bike. Snow or not.

  3. It's done here too, especially those people who have those fat tire bikes, but I wouldn't try it. Mind you, I haven't been on a bike in years.

    Our bike share program, however, has put the bikes away for the winter.

  4. Hello, I would not try to bike in the snow. Enjoy your weekend! Happy New Year!

  5. I think Adam has the right idea. You would need to bring a towel to dry off the seat before using it.

  6. These bikes will likely have to wait until warmer weather to go for a ride.

  7. Those bikes are right where they belong until spring.

  8. Nice to see the snow in a/your photo :)
    Monday-Wednesday, it is going to be cold for us (closer to 0 degree Celcius or below, possibly).
    Stay warm, Pat.
    Happy New Year to you and yours!
    Peace :)

  9. We do here, but I'm rather surprised you do up there.

  10. Not for me, I sit by a warm fire and have a cuppa tea or coffee. Nice cold pic of winter, Pat.

  11. I used to ride in the snow when I was a kid. But I outgrew such foolishness. Nah, I moved away from cold weather. I'd probably still try it today. Love the photo.

    Wishing you all the best for the New Year, Pat!

  12. Yep, there's a lot of that happening here too!
