Saturday, January 13, 2018

Last Piece Of The Mural

This last piece of the mural which I have been showing this week features a raven, bear and buffalo all of which are important to First Nations culture. The sidewalk by this mural was very narrow forcing me to divide up the sections in order to see all of the features.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world. 

If you go back to Monday's post of the whole mural, read the comment from Nelly who was involved in the mural and she explains all of the symbolism of the images.


  1. Hello, love the bear and the bison. Awesome mural and beautiful artwork.

    Thank you so much for linking up your post. I appreciate your visit and comment too. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. You did a great job under difficult circumstances. And it's certainly a mural worth taking a 2nd look at. Love that bison's sparkling eye!

  3. The artist did a good job painting this mural. It is beautifully depicted and culturally significant.

  4. And the bear said, "That's one big buffalo!"

  5. What a great week and great series, Pat!

  6. The American bison was critically important to Indians living on the Great Plains, so it is no surprise to feature in this mural. We have a number of buffalo herds in SD, some private and some publicly owned.

  7. This has been a great tour of a wonderful mural. Thanks, RP!

  8. A wonderful in depth look at this masterpiece of a mural. It was on of the best murals that I have seen. Thanks, Pat!

  9. The challenges you had taking these pictures make me wonder how challenging it must have been for the artists to create the mural in the first place.

  10. That is a really stunning mural. So glad Nelly provided the explanation!

  11. Hello!:) A great piece of artwork. You did a good job of photographing it in difficult conditions.

  12. This mural is an amazing endeavour Pat.. it was incroyably interesting to go back and read the artist explain the symbolic meaning of each section. Hope you manage to see more of their work.

  13. Fantastic portrayal of nature's blessings.
    Have a Happy Day, Pat!!
    Peace :)

  14. Ah yes, this is another lovely section of the mural. The colors are so rich and vibrant!

  15. I looked at all of your series on this mural. Pretty good looking.
