Wednesday, January 31, 2018


This is almost a drive-by pic as I was driving along Dandforth Ave in the east end of the city, an area I don't often go to and I spotted The Allenby Theatre and quickly pulled over. This Art Deco beauty was constructed in 1935 and was hugely popular until being renamed The Roxy in the 1970s. It became famous in the city for showing the Rocky Horror Picture Show and did well for many years until finally closing. In 2007 it was given historical protection and so it avoided being torn down but it no longer operates as a theatre. The facade and box office have been restored but the rest of the building was changed and it is now a Tim Horton's outlet (the famous Canadian coffee & donut shop). I intend to go back one day to check out the details and have a look inside. 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. It is a beautiful old building
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. What a wonderful old building. I'm glad to see it saved. You will have to let us know if the inside is as nice once you go back to check it out.

  3. Nice they were able to save it

  4. It is a wonderful old building and reminds me of the old theatre I used to go to when I was a kid. I'm glad this one was saved because mine burned down unfortunately.

  5. An interesting conversion. One of the former theatres here ended up a fast food joint, though the exterior facade was preserved.

  6. Nice to see a city protecting it's historic buildings. Love the old sign and marquee!! Interesting to see a Tims in it lol!

  7. The process of "historical preservation" is an important one and necessary to save buildings like this. Love these old theaters but it's too bad it's not still showing movies. The name "Horton" gives me chills as there's a builder here by the name of Horton and he's got a terrible reputation all over the country, actually! :)

  8. Hello, I am glad this theatre was saved. It is good to the shops are there.
    Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  9. I am grateful for the historical protection. I must be the only old movie theatre in Toronto that still has it's original look.

  10. At least this fine old Art Deco theater building got saved. Our Art Deco theater building is now a dance studio, and the front is a barbershop.

  11. A Horton's seems like a suitable tenant.

  12. We had a theater here that did the Rocky Horror Picture Show every Saturday night at midnight for years.

  13. Yep, remember those Rocky Horror days!

  14. Neat old building, and how nice it was saved!

  15. Very cool. It's great that a well known business is now a tenant.

  16. It's so sad to see old theatres go down. And to become a donut shop! Horrors.

  17. What a nice building.

  18. Fabulous Art Deco building Pat! As long as it's being used and not knocked down I'm happy ☺

  19. I’m glad they preserved it ... and I’d certainly go oftener to a coffee shop than to Rocky Horror ))

  20. This building resembles the art deco theatre in our neighborhood.

  21. Wonderful, and I'm looking forward to your photos on your return trip sometime.
