Monday, February 5, 2018

Bees At Work

I was driving along Eglinton Ave in the Mount Dennis neighbourhood and passed this wonderful mural of bees and flowers. Of course I made a fast turn and went back to catch a pic of this beauty. The colours of the flowers were such a treat to see at this dull time of year. The artist for this one is Nick Sweetman whose work I have shown before. I love it! I will give you a peek of the section around the corner to the left tomorrow.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Where would we be without the bees?? Hungry I think. This is a wonderful mural. Such luscious colors.

  2. What a wonderful find! I love all the color and the details are beautiful.

  3. A fantastic mural RedPat, love the bright colours and details, no wonder it caught your eye.
    I seem to spot murals at a distance, my husband doesn't even see them, lol.
    Thanks for participating.

  4. Like something out of a horror movie, I think. :-)

  5. Hello, I like the bees and flowers, very colorful. Great mural.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  6. What a sight for sore eyes Pat! Sweet art by Sweetman!

  7. I've always wondered what the life of a mural is. Does the artist come back and do touch ups?

  8. That's a great find, Pat. And it brings the focus on the bees, which are disappearing, which is terrible because they are so necessary for our plant life.

  9. Wow! This is a terrific mural--so bright and colourful! The plight of the bees interests me so I am glad to see a mural of this size focusing on them.

  10. I like this mural a lot! There is a colourful one down the street from my work I should go get a photo of!

  11. Really nice, so bright and jolly. Wish there were murals near me.

  12. You found a great mural. Fine insect life and bright colors. Murals are few and far between in our small town.

  13. That must be a great city you live in to have so many huge and colorful murals.

  14. Busy bees! I love all the colours, it does brighten up the day. Nice ind, Pat!

  15. Cool and colorful. Just what you want for a winter day.

  16. This may easily be my favorite mural ever! It’s beautiful.

  17. I haven't been there in a long time! What an amazing mural!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  18. Fantástico mural Pat. La pared está preciosa.

  19. That is one incredible colorful and powerful mural!

  20. Wow! That is not a sufficient comment, so . . . Wow!

  21. We need more of this kind of art to revitalize neighbourhoods, and this one in particular reminds us of the importance of pollinators.
