Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Old Entrance

This is the Benchers Entrance at Osgoode Hall which is located downtown on Queen St beside our city hall and it is where you find various court facilities and mainly the Law Society of Upper Canada. The Benchers Quarters is the oldest section of Osgoode Hall having been completed in 1832. The Benchers are the members of the board of directors of the Law Society. I saw pictures on-line of the interior and it is spectacular and I am hoping it will be open one day for our Doors Open event in the city.  
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  1. Very impressive! Lovely photo of all the details on the door and fanlight!

  2. Benchers is a new term to me. I love learning how the legal system works in other countries. That door is beautiful. It seems appropriate for an office where lawyers gather.

  3. I like the light hanging at the entrance!

  4. Tres impressive door Pat, looking forward to seeing the interior with you!

  5. I am guessing the door is made from oak.

  6. The door is quite nice. I think you should do whatever needs to be done to get you on the Board of Directors; they you'd probably get to take as many photos as you want. :)

  7. I love that door, quite impressive.

  8. I always favor "Old" it's always pleasing, stately and impressive. Just as this is!

  9. the door is nice, as is the porch light.

  10. A pretty nice entrance, especially the wooden door.
