Saturday, March 24, 2018

Dragons Appeared

Irish Wolfhounds were not the only creatures to appear at the St Patrick's Day parade. A large group of dragons also put on a display. I particularly liked this yellow and gold one. You have to feel sorry for the poor person in the back of these who will be bent over for the whole length of the march!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...a short person brings up the rear.

  2. Great photo, and the person in the background - is it Dancing With Dragons! Yes, I do believe it is!

  3. Hello, the dragons are pretty. I would not want to be the person in the back either. Thank you for linking and sharing your post. I also appreciate your visit and comment. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Lordy, that's cute. I've never before had the urge to hug a dragon, but did when I saw your post! Such a deal!

  5. I vote for a short person in the back too.

  6. Lions, actually, but yeah: Very Chinese! [person in back IS leaning forward]

  7. Back ache for sure but the costumes are amazing!

  8. I was thinking the exact same thing when I looked at this photo. I hope that's a very flexible young person in the back-end job. I don't think my old body could do that at all.

  9. Beautiful dragon.
    Fantastic shot.
    Have a nice weekend
    Maria de
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  10. This is awesome to see so many nationalities take part in the parade.
    I think you are right about my mural posting today. Elicser it is.

  11. My back is aching just thinking about being in the lion suit Pat ☺

  12. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, aren't these Chinese? Someone is mixing up the celebrations up there.

  13. Beautiful dragons, Pat.
    Unusual for a St Patrick's Day parade...

  14. You are so right, while completely delightful for us, pity on the poor person in the rear!

  15. I always liked seeing those dragons!!
