Friday, April 13, 2018

Another Door At The Church

While wandering around the outside of the Church Of The Holy Trinity I discovered this small door tucked into a recess at the back of the building. I have no idea what it leads to but someone spent a lot of time making it look church-like don't you think? After finding out about the fire at the front door it is good to see a camera up beside this one.


  1. It is very church-like and it makes me wonder where it leads. I also wonder what the square on the door might be for.

  2. I wonder if it leads into office space.

  3. I think it's an outdoor confessional. But you have to know the password. Well, that's what I think and I can think what I want. I think. :)

  4. This door looks like it was build as an afterthought. Perhaps it is much newer than the church. I like your photo.

  5. ...sounds like they may need several 'fire doors.'

  6. Great door with a little loket for announcements. Perhaps some service entrance but very nice made.

  7. Cozy entrance, and does it have a little opening in the center?

  8. A very interesting mysterious looking door!

  9. It is a fine little entry way. Nice find.
