Sunday, April 29, 2018

Different Neighbours

I spotted this tidy home while walking down Clinton St  a few weeks ago. It looks rather Bauhaus influenced to me and what a contrast to its attached neighbour! I like it a lot!


  1. I'm not sure what the Bathhouse, er, Bauhaus influence means, but I also like this place a lot ... especially the windows. I wonder what the square footage would be. And even though you can reach out and touch your neighbors, it appears to be a stand-alone structure. I like the colors, too. And the yard! No grass to worry about. Just weeds to pull. :)

  2. I like it too. Those windows are wonderful.

  3. I like it a lot too especially the windows. It's a winner, Pat!

  4. Bauhaus and Louis Kahn with those milkmaid windows and going around the corner in the facade.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like it very much Pat. fits my minimalist mood perfectly :)

  7. Great example, of people and their personalities. I like this concept in building!

  8. I'm kinda used to being on `6 acres, this looks creepy!!!!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
