Saturday, May 5, 2018


Last Saturday I showed you a determined black squirrel and this week I am showing you a fearless one. I was walking under a very tall tree which hangs over a steep hill and spotted this squirrel way out at the end of the branches munching away on the leaf buds. It was very windy and he was being bounced around but he didn't seem to be concerned at all. You would think he could have found some buds on some thicker branches!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...they should be in the circus.

  2. Squirrels are acrobats!
    I often see them leap from one tree to another here in my backyard. Trying to get a photo of one in mid-air, but no success yet.
    Have a great weekend!
    (We woke up to pouring rain this morning)

  3. "Fearless" is a good description. And they have tremendous abilities to carry out the craziest stunts. Of course, sometimes, they're not quite fast enough as we often see one smashed in the middle of the road. That, of course, provides food for the buzzards. Have you ever thought about what buzzards would eat if they didn't have roadkill? Scary, isn't it?

  4. Made me smile Pat.. unless it falls and becomes roadkill as Lowell mentioned ☺ then it would be sad.. but I just know it won't 😀 well spotted!

  5. The phrased, "Precariously perched", comes to mind.
    Beautiful, compassionate observation!
    Happy WE, Pat!
    Peace :)

  6. The buds on the skinny branches must taste better than the buds on the thick branches. They really are a bunch of acrobats.

  7. I've seen them chase each other way up in the trees when one decides to abandon the tree with a flying leap to the ground. They hit the ground with all four legs spread out with a thud then take off like a shot.

  8. If you watch them long enough, they have numerous routines to perform for you. Just bring treats and you'll see. :)

  9. Always when the pick is the most difficult the reward is the best.

  10. This squirrel is either brave or nutty.

  11. Still really hoping these tough guys stay outside this year!

  12. Hello, great capture of the brave squirrel. I have seen them walking on thin wire over top of the road. I am sorry to be so late commenting. I just got home from our road trip and I am now trying to catch up on my commenting. Thanks so much for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.
