Friday, June 8, 2018

At The Top

If you continue up the stairs in yesterday's post you come up to this which is the graduate studio of the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & Design and is the top floor of the modern addition which I showed you HERE. The space is open to the north through a curtain of glass and also has the wonderful skylights you can see in this pic so the lighting in here is fabulous. Once again the students had set up displays here for the Doors Open event.


  1. Hello, it is a pretty modern studio. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. ...the Doors Open event looks like fun.

  3. This looks like a perfect place for displays and demonstrations and of course for photography. Fantastic light sources and all those wonderful angles in the ceiling make it so interesting.

  4. That would be a wonderful space to be able to utilize while working on a graduate degree in architecture. Once again, I'm impressed by things that you do in Canada. Well, except for electing Lord, Mr. Ford! Ugh! I just can't get that out of my head. Why? It seems so incongruous.

  5. It's an incredible space Pat. What a fascinating event this would have been. The ceiling and extension itself would make for an inspiring environment for the students to create!

  6. Neat space, and you turned it into a little story!

  7. The skylights and the cool colours of the decor make it bright and very restful.

  8. Events are always such fun and lots of work in planning!
